The journal tries to foster the integration of education with other aspects of social sciences especially Islamic studies. Psychology and English. Research articles by learned research scholars from all over the world are welcomed for publication in Hamdard Educus, to encourage an atmosphere conducive to universal peace and understanding, for a better world
Hamdard Islamicus, a quarterly research Journal of international repute, is being published regularly without break, since 1978. Articles by learned research scholars from all over the world are published in the Hamdard Islamicus. In it different aspects of Islam and their impact on Muslim and non-Muslim societies are discussed
The Hamdard Medicus has its origin in 1957.During the last 64 years of its publication, this journal has played a pivotal role in acquainting medical institutions around the world with valuable cretribia, side by eastern unani system of medicine.
This journal is founded in February 2019.The aim is to provide a forum for quality publications in field of Pharmacy. The objectives of HJP are to establish an effective channel of communication between researchers from academic and research institutions. It is dedicated to the development & innovation in the fields of biological, medicinal and pharmaceutical sciences and to cater the needs to cultivate research in field of Pharmacy.